BeSafe iZI Modular Concept

BeSafe iZI Modular Concept

--- Reproduced from the BeSafe Website ---


The BeSafe iZi Modular concept - (Works with the Stokke iZi Go)

From home to daycare to grandma – all with just one-click-action


Does your family have an active lifestyle, where you are switching between cars a lot? Is one parent dropping your child off at daycare in the morning, grandma picking up afterwards and the other parent bringing your child back home in the evening?


The iZi Modular concept makes your daily family journeys smooth and uncomplicated by consisting of one ISOfix base and separate seats that are readily installed in the car with just one click.


Easy – separate seat and base allow carrying them without struggle.


If you’re swapping cars, the iZi Modular concept makes carrying the seat between cars easy. By being able to separate the seat and the base, you can carry them separately – with half the weight!


The easiest – having one base in each car allows you to just swap the seat.


If you’re regularly transporting your child in many different cars, having one ISOfix base in each car is the perfect solution for you. Leave the bases permanently installed and just move the seat itself between the cars.


Stopping for groceries without waking the sleepy baby.


Are you on your drive home with your baby and quickly want to stop for grocery shopping? Just release the baby seat from the base and click it onto the adaptors on your stroller chassis – and you’re ready to go within seconds. This way, you don’t have to wake your baby and can flexibly run your errands*.


From newborn to diapers to reading stop signs – all with just one base


Your child’s first 4 years of life are an exciting time, where a lot happens – the first journey together home from the hospital, the first steps, the first (and many more) words. They grow from a small and fragile newborn to a toddler that can happily chat away and read you signs when going on car drives together. And with that, not just their eagerness to explore life grows – but also their car seat has to grow with them.


The iZi Modular concept accompanies your child from birth to 105 cm of stature height – all with just one ISOfix base. After you have clicked your BeSafe iZi Go Modular X1 i-Size baby seat onto the iZi Modular i-Size base for an easy installation, you can reuse the same base for the iZi Modular X1 i-Size toddler seat.


Adaptable cushions, growing legspace, click-and-go-installation: discover each part of the iZi Modular concept


Step 1

Baby seat: BeSafe iZi Go Modular X1 i-Size

Baby seat: Stokke iZi Go Modular X1 i-Size by BeSafe

40-75 cm, approx. 0-12 months

Take a look


iZi Modular i-Size base

Accompanies your child all the way from birth to 105 cm

Take a look


Step 2

Toddler seat: iZi Modular X1 i-Size

61-105 cm, approx. 6 months – 4 years

Take a look


The steps of the iZi Modular concept apply to existing previous versions of the baby and toddler seats BeSafe iZi Go Modular and iZi Modular; the base is compatible with all iZi Modular concept car seats.


*BeSafe recommends to not keep your baby in the baby seat for too long. Take your baby out of the baby car seat at least approx. every 2 hours. Even more often with a newborn.

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